Uomo avvisato mezzo ammazzato... Parola di Spirito Santo/Opinions

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Gianni Garko stars as the Holy Ghost, a supernatural gunfighter dressed in white and with a dove sitting on his shoulder. With his sidekick (Chris Huerta), the Holy Ghost rescues some farmers from the fortified prison of the evil General Ubarte, then raids the castle again for gold treasure aided by some local prostitutes. Pilar Velázquez, Jorge Rigaud, Rick Boyd, Nello Pazzafini and Paolo Gozlino are among the familiar faces in the cast, and Bruno Nicolai's odd musical score is a fine accompaniment to such scenes as the Ghost's dove torturing a man for information by pecking at birdseed on his chest. A character with the same name but not connected to this one is played by Vassili Karis in Roberto Mauri's ...e lo chiamarono Spirito Santo (1971) and its sequels Bada alla tua pelle Spirito Santo! (1972) and Spirito santo e le cinque magnifiche canaglie (1972). Note: Author unclear / TO DO


The Holy Ghost, in the incarnation of Gianni Garko, is basically Sartana dressed in white (and with a peace dove on his shoulder). Forewarned, Half-Killed... the Word of the Holy Ghost shows how much Carnimeo had developed his visual skills since his first Sartana film, but it also shows how much Trinità like slapstick had conquered the genre by then (with Chris Huerta in the Bud Spencer role). The kill rate is still high, but unfortunately the comedy parts turn up at the oddest moments replacing shoot-outs and destroying thereby partly what should have been the highlights of the film. But accompanied by a fine Bruno Nicolai soundtrack fans of the director and the star will still have their fun. // by Stanton

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