Se Incontri Sjango, Cercati Un Posto Per Morire!

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Se incontri Sjango, cercati un posto per morire! (Brazil 1963 / Director: Milton Amaral) (Italy, 1968 (re-edited version))

  • Runtime: 86 min (Italy)
  • Release Date: 1963; 1968 (re-arranged Italian version)

Also known as

Se incontri Django cercati un posto per morire (Italy) | Django il più duro a morire (Italy, prohibited version) | Si tu rencontres Django cherche un endroit pour mourir (France) | O Cabeleira

Cast and Crew

  • Cast: Milton Ribeiro, Helio Souto, Marlene Franca
  • Story and Screenplay (Italian version): Aldo Florio, Eduardo Manzanos Brochero, Bruno Di Geronimo
  • Cinematography: Emilio Foriscot [Eastmancolor - Panoramico 1,66:1]
  • Music: Piero Umiliani (Italian version)


The original title was (is) 'O Cabeleira' and it was a film (like Giovanni Fago's O' Cangaçeiro) about the Cangaço, noble banditry in the sense of the Mexican bandelero or, closer to home, Robin Hood

The film was re-edited and an entirely new soundtrack was written by Piero Umiliani; a song, called Sjango, sang by Raoul, was played over the credits. It was also shown under the title Sjango, cacciatore di taglie (Sjango, the bounty hunter) even though the protagonist is a foundling, an abandoned child, who becomes, as a young man and forced by circumstances, a bandit, not a bounty hunter.

The Brazilian film was released in 1963, the Italian version released in 1968

Source: Marco Giusti, Dizionarion dell Western all'Italiana

This all proves how great the demand for westerns was at a certain moment.

-By Scherpschutter

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