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Names or affiliated trademarks: X Rated, NK (Neues Kontrastprogramm), X-Gabu, CCI, Simpel Movie (unrelated, TBC), aka VZ-Handelsgesellschaft / Sedna (Distiibutors). This is a German underground label that produces genre film DVDs at low numbers, that are usually not sold in general outlets. They are higher priced and usually limited in number. [https://forum.spaghetti-western.net/t/x-rated/1704 Forum Topic A] / [https://forum.spaghetti-western.net/t/x-rated-re-release-wave/839 Forum Topic B]. Below is a compilation of all DVDs released by that company. Please note that many of their releases had several covers, this overview page may only show one per release, click click through for details - and please report errors or omissions.
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Arrivasabatadvda.jpg|link=Arriva Sabata!|[[Arriva Sabata!|Arriva Sabata - Galgenvögel sterben einsam]] & "No Mercy for the Hunted"
Arrivagarringodvd.jpg|link=Arriva Sabata!|[[Arriva Sabata!|Arriva Garringo - Galgenvögel sterben einsam]]
Desperadosimpelmovie.jpg|link=Magnifico Texano, Il|[[Magnifico Texano, Il|Desperado - Der geheimnisvolle Racher]]
DakotaGesetz4.gif|link=Rimase uno solo e fu la morte per tutti!|[[Rimase uno solo e fu la morte per tutti!|Dakota - Nur der Colt war sein Gesetz]]
ProntoamigoA.jpg|link=Colt, in pugno al diavolo, Una|[[Colt, in pugno al diavolo, Una|Pronto Amigo - Ein Colt in der Hand des Teufels]]
Vendetta-dawn-dvd.jpg|link=Quel maledetto giorno della resa dei conti|[[Quel maledetto giorno della resa dei conti|Django - Tag der Abrechnung]]
SartanaSandXRated.jpg|link=Buon funerale, amigos!... paga Sartana|[[Buon funerale, amigos!... paga Sartana|Sartana - noch warm und schon Sand drauf]]
AmigoXRated.jpg|link=Cuatro salvajes, Los|[[Cuatro salvajes, Los|Es geht um deinen Kopf, Amigo]]
DickeLuftXRatedA.jpg|link=Di Tressette ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri son nessuno|[[Di Tressette ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri son nessuno|Dicke Luft in Sacramento]] with [[Più grande rapina del west, La|Ein Halleluja für Django]] Bonus DVD
Dickeluftinsacramentodvd.jpg|link=Di Tressette ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri son nessuno/DVD|[[Di Tressette ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri son nessuno|Dicke Luft in Sacramento]]
Figdjango.jpg|link=Figlio di Django, Il/DVD#Germany|[[Figlio di Django, Il/DVD#Germany|Fahr zur Hölle Django]]
BlutigeStrickeXRated.jpg|link=Joko invoca Dio... e muori/DVD|[[Joko invoca Dio... e muori/DVD|Fünf blutige Stricke]]
Longdaysa.jpg|link=Lunghi giorni della vendetta, I/DVD|[[Lunghi giorni della vendetta, I/DVD|Der Lange Tag der Rache]]
Mannaja XR.jpg|link=Mannaja/DVD|[[Mannaja/DVD|Mannaja - das Beil des Todes]]
Shanghaijoecover.jpg|link=Mio nome è Shanghai Joe, Il/DVD|[[Mio nome è Shanghai Joe, Il/DVD|Knochenbrecher im Wilden Westen]]
SartanaKommtXRated.jpg|link=Nuvola di polvere... un grido di morte... arriva Sartana, Una/DVD|[[Nuvola di polvere... un grido di morte... arriva Sartana, Una/DVD|Arriva - Sartana kommt]]
Pistolerogermandvd.jpg|link=Pistolero dell'Ave Maria, Il/DVD|[[Pistolero dell'Ave Maria, Il/DVD|3 Kugeln für ein Ave Maria]]
100graves.jpg|link=Pistola per cento bare, Una|[[Pistola per cento bare, Una|Ein Colt für 100 Särge]] and  [[Joko invoca Dio... e muori|Vengeance - Mit Rocco kam der Tod]] bonus
HallelujaXRated.jpg|link=Più grande rapina del west, La|[[Più grande rapina del west, La|Ein Hallelujah für Django]]
VerdammtXRatedA.jpg|link=Quattro dell'apocalisse, I|[[Quattro dell'apocalisse, I|Verdammt zu leben - Verdammt zu sterben]]
ScalpXRatedA.jpg|link=Scalps, venganza india|[[Scalps, venganza india|Es geht um deinen Skalp Amigo!]]
Djangokillde.jpg|link=Se sei vivo spara|[[Se sei vivo spara|Django - Leck Staub von meinem Colt]]
SpielUndTote5.gif|link=Uomo chiamato Apocalisse Joe, Un|[[Uomo chiamato Apocalisse Joe, Un|Spiel dein Spiel und töte, Joe]]
GalgenA.jpg|link=Venditore di morte, Il|[[Venditore di morte, Il|Der Galgen wartet schon, Amigo!]]
Killorbekilled-dvd.jpg|link=Uccidi o muori|[[Uccidi o muori|Für eine Handvoll Blei]]
ItaloBoxXRated.jpg|link=Buon funerale, amigos!... paga Sartana/DVD#Germany|Italo-Western Collection with [[Buon funerale, amigos!... paga Sartana|Sartana - Noch warm und schon Sand drauf]], [[Mio nome è Shanghai Joe, Il|Knochenbrecher im wilden Westen]], [[Se sei vivo spara|Django - Leck Staub von meinem Colt]], [[Più grande rapina del west, La|Ein Halleluja für Django]]

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Names: X Rated, NK (Neues Kontrastprogramm), X-Gabu, CCI, aka Simpel Movie, aka VZ-Handelsgesellschaft
This is a German underground label that produces genre film DVDs at low numbers, that are usually not sold in general outlets. They are higher priced and usually limited in number.
This is a compilation of all DVDs released by that company:
== [[Arriva Sabata!]] ==
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* '''Arriva Sabata - Galgenvögel sterben einsam'''
* Video: Anamorphic (16:9) widescreen
* Audio: German, English, Italian (?)
* Extras: English and Italian bonus scenes, German and Original opening credits
* Bonus film - "No Mercy for the Hunted" (In English with optional German subtitles)
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* '''Arriva Garringo - Galgenvögel sterben einsam'''
* Amaray low-cost edition
* Video: Anamorphic (16:9) Widescreen
* Audio: English, German
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0010ZODRU/028-6793813-5070148?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21 From Amazon.de]'''
== [[Magnifico Texano, Il|Il Magnifico Texano]] ==
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* '''Desperado - Der geheimnisvolle Racher'''
* Label: Simpel Movie
* Video: 1.85:1 anamorphic (16:9) widescreen
* Audio: German, English
* approx 99 mins (uncut), Region 2, PAL
* Extras: US Opening Credits, Trailer, Photo Gallery (Italian lobby cards)
== [[Rimase uno solo e fu la morte per tutti!]] ==
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* '''Dakota - Nur der Colt war sein Gesetz'''
* Label: Simpel Movie (Region 2, PAL)
* Video: 1.85:1 anamorphic (16:9) widescreen
* Audio: English, Italian, German
* Extras: Trailer, Italian and US opening credits, gallery
* approx. 79 min
* several covers available
== [[Colt, in pugno al diavolo, Una|Una colt, in pugno al diavolo]] ==
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* '''Pronto Amigo - Ein Colt in der Hand des Teufels'''
* Label: Simpel Movie (Region 2, Released May 2, 2008)
* Video: 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen
* Audio: German, English, Italian (Dolby 2.0 mono)
* Running time approx: 95 mins (uncut), PAL
* Subtitles: None
* Extras: Trailers, opening credits, artwork
* 2 covers
== [[Quel maledetto giorno della resa dei conti]] ==
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|[[Image:Vendetta-dawn-dvd.jpg|122px]] [[Image:Vendetta-dawn-dvd2.jpg]]
* '''Django - Tag der Abrechnung'''
* Label: Simpel Movie (Region 2)
* Release date: 9.9.2007
* Video: 1.66:1
* Audio: German 2.0 DD Mono, English 2.0 DD Mono
* Subtitles: None
* Extras: Picture gallery (6 Italian lobby cards)
* Limited Edition (333), 3 covers
* [[Quel maledetto giorno della resa dei conti/DVD Review|DVD Review]]
== [[Buon funerale, amigos!... paga Sartana]] ==
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* '''Sartana - noch warm und schon Sand drauf'''
* Release date: 17-September-2004, Region 2, PAL
* Video: Anamorphic 2.35:1 widescreen
* Audio: English (with forced German subs), German
* Runtime: 93 mins (Uncut German and English versions)
* Extras: German trailer, original German titles, promo trailers
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00018GW2Q?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=1638&creativeASIN=B00018GW2Q From Amazon.de]''' (Hardbox original release)
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0002YL9WW/028-6793813-5070148?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21 From Amazon.de]''' (Amaray keep case version)
== [[Cuatro salvajes, Los|Ringo, il volto della vendetta]] ==
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* '''Es geht um deinen Kopf, Amigo'''
* Video: Anamorphic (16:9) Widescreen (1.85:1)
* Audio: English, German, Italian
* Extras: Trailers, photo gallery, US promo opening credits, alternate opening credits
* 2 versions with same specs, the one without rating comes in a hardbox and spine number and costs twice as much
* Hardbox version: '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0002JE3HU?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=1638&creativeASIN=B0002JE3HU From Amazon.de]'''
* Amaray keep case version: '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0002H3UIU?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=1638&creativeASIN=B0002H3UIU From Amazon.de]
== [[Di Tressette ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri son nessuno]] / [[Più grande rapina del west, La|La più grande rapina del west]] ==
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|[[Image:DickeLuftXRatedA.jpg]] [[Image:DickeLuftXRatedB.jpg]]
* '''Dicke Luft in Sacramento'''
* 2 DVDs
* Video: 2,35:1 (16:9) widescreen
* Audio: English, Italian, German
* Bonus DVD: Ein Halleluja für Django
** 105 min version with German, English and Italian audio
== [[Di Tressette ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri son nessuno]] ==
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* Label: VZ Handel
* Video: 2,35:1 (16:9) anamorphic widescreen
* Audio: English, Italian, German
* Extras: German trailer
* Amaray cover
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0010ZODRK?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=1638&creativeASIN=B0010ZODRK From Amazon.de]'''
== [[Figlio di Django, Il|Il Figlio di Django]] ==
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* '''Fahr zur Hölle Django'''
* Video: 1,85:1 Anamorphic (16:9) Widescreen
* Audio: Italian, German
* Also includes 75 min original German theatrical version (German audio only)
* Please note that when accessing the English and Italian language tracks there will be a "subtitle" saying "Only for sale in Germany, Austria and Switzerland". Since this acts as a forced subtitle stream some DVD players may be able to disable it.
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B000ZJS6B6/028-6793813-5070148?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21 From Amazon.de]'''
== [[Joko invoca Dio... e muori]] ==
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|[[Image:BlutigeStrickeXRated.jpg]] [[Image:BlutigeStrickeXRatedB.jpg]]
* '''Fünf blutige Stricke'''
* Video: Widescreen
* Audio: German, English
* Extras: Trailers, Picture Gallery
* German theatrical (95 min) and Uncut versions (101 min)
== [[Lunghi giorni della vendetta, I|I lunghi giorni della vendetta]] ==
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* '''Der Lange Tag der Rache'''
* Video: Widescreen (1.85:1)
* Audio: English, Italian, German (Short section (~5 mins total) of English audio missing, with no subtitles available)
* Also includes 90 min Spanish version in 2.35:1 (Letterboxed with English, German, Spanish audio)
* Extras: US opening and ending credits, German opening credits, Alternate scene
== [[Mannaja]] ==
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* '''Mannaja - das Beil des Todes'''
* Released July 2005
* Video: 2,35:1 anamorphic widescreen
* Audio: German, English
* Runtime: approx. 96 min
* Extras: Trailers, Picture Gallery
== [[Mio nome è Shanghai Joe, Il|Il mio nome è Shanghai Joe]] ==
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|[[Image:Shanghaijoecover.jpg|120px]] [[Image:Knochenbrecherimwildenwestendvd.jpg|120px]]
* '''Knochenbrecher im Wilden Westen'''
* Region 2, PAL
* Video: 2.35:1 Widescreen
* Audio: German, Italian, English
* Uncut German version, English language version, Italian language version
* Extras: Trailers, German opening titles, Interview with Mario Caiano, Picture Gallery, Japanese opening titles
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00018GWAS?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=1638&creativeASIN=B00018GWAS From Amazon.de]''' (alternative yellow cover)
== [[Nuvola di polvere... un grido di morte... arriva Sartana, Una|Una Nuvola di polvere... un grido di morte... arriva Sartana]] ==
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* '''Arriva - Sartana kommt'''
* Region 2, PAL
* Audio: 2,35:1 anamorphic (16:9) widescreen
* Audio: English, Italian, German
* Subtitles: German (forced)
* Extras: Trailers, gallery, featurette
* Also includes [[Nuvola di polvere... un grido di morte... arriva Sartana, Una/bonus dvd|bonus DVD]] with many Spaghetti Western trailers
== [[Pistolero dell'Ave Maria, Il|Il pistolero dell'Ave Maria]] ==
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* '''3 Kugeln für ein Ave Maria'''
* Audio: 1,85:1 anamorphic (16:9) widescreen
* Audio: Italian, German, Italian
* Subtitles: None
* Extras: Trailer, Filmprogramm, Kinovorspann, Artworks, Kinoaushang
* Limited to 666
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0007DBIYC/028-6793813-5070148?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21 From Amazon.de]'''
== [[Pistola per cento bare, Una|Una pistola per cento bare]] / [[Joko invoca Dio... e muori]] ==
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* '''Ein Colt für 100 Särge'''
* Region 2, PAL
* Video: Anamorphic (16:9) Widescreen
* Audio: English, Italian, German
* Extras: Trailer, German opening credits, alternate scenes, photo gallery
* Also includes bonus film [[Joko invoca Dio... e muori|Vengeance - Mit Rocco kam der Tod]]
** Widescreen, German audio
== [[Più grande rapina del west, La|La più grande rapina del west]] ==
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* '''Ein Hallelujah für Django'''
* Video: 1.85:1 (16:9) widescreen, PAL
* Audio: English and German (Dolby Stereo)
* Runtime: 85 minutes
* Restored German version and Italian language version
* Extras: German intro, alternate takes, 21 extra scenes from Italian version, 7 deleted scenes from German version
* Hardbox is limited to 666 (Amaray keep case version available as well)
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00025LQS8/028-6793813-5070148?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21 From Amazon.de]''''
== [[Quattro dell'apocalisse, I|Il quattro dell'apocalisse]] ==
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* '''Verdammt zu leben - Verdammt zu sterben'''
* Region 2, PAL, 2 covers
* Video: Anamorphic (16:9) widescreen
* Audio: Italian, German, English
* Subtitles: German
* Extras: Trailer, interviews with Fabio Testi & Tomas Milian
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0009U6YGU?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=1638&creativeASIN=B0009U6YGU From Amazon.de]'''
== [[Scalps, venganza india]] ==
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* '''Es geht um deinen Skalp Amigo!'''
* Region 2, PAL
* 2 covers
* Audio: Widescreen
* Audio: English, German
* Extras: Trailers, featurettes
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B000S6LROO/028-6793813-5070148?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21 From Amazon.de]'''
== [[Se sei vivo spara]] ==
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* '''Django - Leck Staub von meinem Colt'''
* Video: 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen, PAL
* Audio: German, English, Italian (Dolby Digital 2.0)
* Runtime: 117 min (plus 10)
* Uncut German version, Italian and English language versions
* Extras: German Trailer, International trailer, German intro, pictures and artwork
* Note: Roughly identical to the Blue Underground release, which is slightly superior in quality
* '''Buy now: [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00018GW1M/028-6793813-5070148?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=1638&creativeASIN=B00018GW1M From Amazon.de]'''
=== Un uomo chiamato Apocalisse Joe ===
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* Available with three different covers
* One of the covers:
* [[Uomo chiamato Apocalisse Joe, Un|SPIEL DEIN SPIEL UND TÖTE, JOE]]
* Specs: Anamorphic (16:9) Widescreen (2.35:1)
* Audio: English and German
* Extras: Trailers, US opening credits, Original Italian and German opening credits
* When accessing the English language track there will be a forced "subtitle" saying "Only for sale in Germany, Austria and Switzerland".
=== Il Venditore di morte ===
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* [[Venditore di morte, Il|DER GALGEN WARTET SCHON, AMIGO!]]
* Specs: 2,35:1 anamorphic widescreen (ultrascope remaster)
* Audio: German and English
* [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B000ZJS1NE/028-6793813-5070148?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21 Buy at Amazon.de]
=== Uccidi o Muori ===
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* [[Uccidi o muori|Fuer eine Handvoll Blei]]
* 2,35:1 anamorphic widescreen, PAL
* German, English, Italian DD 2.0
* 90 mins
* Gallery, Alternate Endings and opening credits, Super 8 video
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* Includes: [[Buon funerale, amigos!... paga Sartana|Sartana - Noch warm und schon Sand drauf]], [[Mio nome è Shanghai Joe, Il|Knochenbrecher im wilden Westen]], [[Se sei vivo spara|Django - Leck Staub von meinem Colt]], [[Più grande rapina del west, La|Ein Halleluja für Django]]
* Features identical to separate releases
* 4 DVD fold-out box with liner notes by Christian Kessler
* [http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0001BFDGY/028-6793813-5070148?ie=UTF8&tag=italowestern-21 Buy at Amazon.de]
[[Category:Shopping guides]]
[[Category:Shopping guides]]

Latest revision as of 11:11, 21 October 2023

Names or affiliated trademarks: X Rated, NK (Neues Kontrastprogramm), X-Gabu, CCI, Simpel Movie (unrelated, TBC), aka VZ-Handelsgesellschaft / Sedna (Distiibutors). This is a German underground label that produces genre film DVDs at low numbers, that are usually not sold in general outlets. They are higher priced and usually limited in number. Forum Topic A / Forum Topic B. Below is a compilation of all DVDs released by that company. Please note that many of their releases had several covers, this overview page may only show one per release, click click through for details - and please report errors or omissions.

Other Catalogs:
Argent Films | Blue Underground | Explosive media | Koch Media | KSM | Optimum | StudioCanal (de) | StudioCanal (fr) | Wild East | Arrow Films ...more

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